Invocation for Winter Park Commissioners Meeting
August 26, 2019
Thank you for the opportunity to offer an invocation on behalf of your Atheist, Humanist, and other non-religious constituents and all of those who have chosen to make Winter Park their home.
William James said, “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” These are great words to open this reflection.
You are here to invest your time today in leadership and in service. You represent people who count on you to act on their behalf, fairly and with compassion and respect for all. Leaders serve everyone, even those who are not like them.
So today, let us seek common ground with each other and among all people to build bridges across our differences. Let us recognize and consider all people’s needs, individually and collectively, and uphold each person’s dignity.
May we be aware of the impact and importance of our actions. May we be passionate and engage intentionally in meaningful discussion. And set an example of inclusion and excellence.
Today, let this council approach the tasks before you collaboratively, guided by integrity and anchored by your commitment as public servants to the wellbeing of others.
May you deliberate with wisdom, insight, and impartiality. May you be passionate and remain focused on uplifting others, connecting the community, and pursuing the greater good for all of your constituents.
Thank you for the difference you make in our community.