Atheists have funerals.

Humanist Funeral
Diverse Secular Identities
Some Diverse Secular Identities and Terms (click for larger image)

I was chatting in a group and someone interrupted to say hello. He’d recognized me as the officiant at a recent non-religious funeral. The conversation shifted abruptly. Someone in the group said they didn’t know that Atheists would even have funerals: “Why would they?”

I’ve had people tell me they didn’t understand marriage in the context of Atheism. Or secular baby welcoming / baby naming rituals that may take the place of baptisms. And yes, some think that one who doesn’t share their faith wouldn’t experience funerals, celebrations of life, or memorials in a meaningful way. Through a narrow lens, those moments may be steeped in the traditions of a specific faith.

Ritual is something ubiquitously human. It’s a significant experience across diverse perspectives. All feel love for others and grieve losses, support friends and family in their grief, and may find meaning in gathering together to say goodbye and honor someone lost. Yes, Atheists have funerals.

Beautiful moments of connection, like the private conversation that followed “Why would they?”, can build mini-bridges. But they’re also a broader reminder that barriers to diverse exposure (like limiting educational conversations about diversity) can create chasms between us and add to heavy, lonely burdens that people around us are carrying.

Mini bridges help, but larger bridges are needed.

A systemic bias in deathcare

The deathcare industry is, like many other service-focused industries, imbued with faith-bias. That means that people of secular and religious minority identities who are experiencing grief may also face, or fear facing, discrimination, identity washing, othering, silencing, harassment, faith bullying, being outed/coming out, and other challenges – at one of their most vulnerable moments.

It often comes as a surprise, even to those who face these Sisyphean challenges every day. Deathcare is a subject many people avoid in general. And further, very few consider in advance how LGBTQIA+ or secular or religious minority identity might impact them or their family when a death occurs. Far fewer make a plan, identify affirming providers and professionals in advance, and provide practical and legal tools that make things easier for loved ones.

There’s enough drama & trauma for families at such a difficult time. No one wants to be preyed on in a time of grief and no one should be forced to pray, pretend to pray, or defer to someone else’s g/God(s) at a time of grief and loss. Every person of every religious, secular, and spiritual identity – and LGBTQIA+ identity – deserves to be authentically honored in their deathcare.

Planning ahead is self-care.

You can plan for inclusive services by providing direction in your planning documents about, for example, using a certified Humanist Celebrant and how to locate one (links are below). This is important because the funeral home professional you’re working with may not be aware – or willing to acknowledge – that this resource exists. Remember that a Humanist Celebrant or Chaplain may be able to help you through the entire process, potentially even joining your meetings with the funeral home and cemetery if you invite them to.

If you’re intentional, open, and determined you can find inclusive providers who won’t try to “save” you on your deathbed or “bless” your body without consent. You can vet funeral providers (funeral homes, funeral directors, cemeteries, etc. – even hospices or hospitals) to ensure your perspective is welcomed and you and your family will be treated with respect when it matters most. You’re going to put your trust in someone – by planning ahead you have greater control over who that will be.

Vetting companies & professionals can be as simple as glancing over their website and social media shares, and/or disclosing your identity to them. Listen to the messages they promote or how they respond to you. How does what they say make you feel? Trust your gut. If the shoe doesn’t fit, it’s not your shoe.

And know that there are advocates and allies willing to help. You are not alone. If you have questions about inclusive deathcare, whether for a current experience or for planning ahead, i’m a call or text away at 407-608-9242.


  • Identity Affirming Deathcare Directives – a free download fill-in-the-blank style guide and mental health and other resources for those in the LGBTQIA+ and minority RSSI (Religious, Secular, and Spiritual Identity) communities.
  • The Humanist Society – contact certified Humanist Celebrants, Chaplains, Lay Leaders, and Invocators.
  • National Consortium for Inclusion in Deathcare – This is a Big Bridge under construction – an emerging group of inclusion-focused deathcare professionals and researchers working to establish support for one another and resources for everyone. Contact 407-608-9242 to get connected.
  • More information & resources for Humanist and non-religious end-of-life ceremonies:

Identity Affirming Deathcare Resrouces

Cover art by Armen Silverbach

Diversity & Death: Identity Affirming Deathcare Planning

by Tee Rogers

UPDATE: The workbook has been published. Download your free copy at

Every identity should be authentically honored as the person nears death and is cared for after death and everyone deserves identity-affirming professionals to serve them and their families at such a difficult time. In this article, you’ll find Identity Affiming Directives & Workshops, Grief Resources, and more.

Grief for loved ones lost and anxieties about our own mortality are both challenges that each of us faces and understands. We experience them individually and uniquely, yet collectively and together. The time when we lose a loved one – or our loved ones lose us – is often described as a blur of chaos.

Planning ahead gives us peace of mind for ourselves and those we care about. Financially, emotionally, and logistically – we can ensure that when our time comes, things fall into place. There are professionals who can help – estate planning attorneys, financial planners, funeral and cemetery professionals, etc.  If you haven’t yet, you should meet with each of those.

The LGBTQ+ and religious minority & secular identity communities encounter additional stressors such as finding planning professionals who are DEI fluent (or, at the very least, accepting), ensuring identity expression will be honored at the time of their death, finding identity-affirming deathcare providers, and knowing that loved ones can find support at their time of grief.

Honoring Personal Identity: Where do we turn when we have concerns about a diverse identity that requires, say, the use of certain pronouns during a eulogy, specific attire for the viewing, certain blessings or rituals, designating someone other than next of kin to handle final arrangements, or secular-only language at the time of near-death …who helps us with those directives?

Grief Support: When a loss occurs, where do grieving loved ones turn when traditional support systems are not the right fit?

There are resources addressing these concerns. Let’s talk about them.

1. Identity Affirming Deathcare Directives

Thinking about deathcare for ourselves can be difficult – even traumatic. Some face the added stress of wondering whether that identity will be honored as they near death and at their services after. Will the decisions made for us when our voice can no longer be heard affirm or negate our identity?

A daughter who didn’t find out until too late that her father’s religion prohibited embalming; she feels tremendous guilt for not knowing this and honoring his faith. A partner of more than 20 years who lost their loved one, when both had agreed on final arrangements, but the family took over after death and did something different. Transgender and other non-binary presenting individuals who fear being misrepresented in death. Non-religious individuals not wanting religious rituals when approaching, and after, their death. There are so many heartbreaking stories, so much stress and fear, so many families suffering guilt or even estrangement after of the stress of end-of-life decisions.

Planning ahead can alleviate some of the stress of wondering what will happen, as well as providing a guide for those who will be responsible for caring for us – loved ones, hospice & hospital teams, and deathcare professionals. There are many guides, books, and tools out there, but none address issues specific to diverse identities – until now.

The Identity Affirming Deathcare Directives© workbook is a free tool designed to walk you through identity-related concerns and provide you the opportunity to make your own decisions. All LGBTQ+ and Religious, Secular, and Spiritual Identities (RSSI) can use this workbook as a self-exploration as well as a directives document.

Resource Page:

The workbook was created in collaboration by Matthew Rosenthal, Esq., an attorney who helps families with estate planning and Tee Rogers, a Humanist Celebrant and funeral and cemetery planning professional.

Identity Affirming Deathcare Planning Workshops

These free workshops are safe-space discussions where we will explore identity-related challenges that may be faced during end-of-life services and ways that simple planning can mitigate frustration and pain for loved ones.

Groups, organizations, and businesses can schedule these free workshops.

Next Scheduled Workshop

August 11th, 2022, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
The Center (946 N Mills Ave, Orlando, FL 32803).
Registration Required:

2. LGBTQ+ and Secular Grief Resources

Some diverse identities – specifically, LGBTQ+ and Atheist, Humanist, and other secular / non-religious identities – may be turned away from grief support groups, therapists, and other lifelines. If they are accepted, they may find the situation to be unaffirming and unhelpful – or even harmful.

As a deathcare professional, I’ve worked with bereaved same-sex and/or non-religious spouses or partners and other family members who sought help, but both support groups and professionals turned them away without providing direction for finding more appropriate care. One person shared that they felt like no one could help them after a support group rejected them and when their funeral home could not provide them with any alternatives, they gave up seeking help.

As a Humanist Celebrant, I’ve spoken to families declined service by religious officiants for weddings, funerals, and other support. At important life moments the impact of rejection, compounded by not knowing where to turn next for help, can be difficult to navigate.

It is essential that people know there are identity-affirming resources in our community. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

And for professionals and providers, these wonderful resources in our community are available for you to make referrals for your clients.

Find LGBTQ+ and Secular Grief resources here:

Identity Affirming Final Arrangements Planning

There are so many heartbreaking stories of how people of diverse identities experience the funeral industry. DEI Fluent and affirming professionals can help you plan so that your identity-related wishes can be known and honored and your loved ones will not face family rifts and battles over final arrangements.

Matthew Rosenthal, Esq. of Rosenthal Meyer, PLLC provides comprehensive advanced estate planning that solves many of the issues that arise after a death occurs. I (Tee Rogers) am a funeral and cemetery planning advisor with Dignity Memorial. Together, Attorney Rosenthal and I created the Identity Affirming Deathcare Directives© workbook and we both serve in our Central Florida community by providing identity-affirming planning services.

Contact us for private consultations and assistance.

Follow-up and Further Information

If you would like further information on any of these resources or on funeral & cemetery pre-planning or celebrant services, contact Tee Rogers at or 407-608-9242.

For information on identity-affirming estate planning and legal guidance or questions, contact Matthew Rosenthal, Esq. at or 407-504-9725 or visit